Monday, April 4, 2011

Well..... It's been quite a long time! Nearly a year. I promised myself when I started this blog that I would be more faithful to post regularly. That's out the window. But, I have joined a site that may force me to blog more, in order to be able to read their books. So, I see my future posts coming more frequently at the very least (although with the amount I've blogged, any post at all would be a vast improvement!)
As I just mentioned, I have joined a site, it is called NetGalley & it allows people to download DRM copies of pre-published books in order to review them. Unfortunately, I cannot simply write a short review and send it directly to the publisher =( ... I have to publish it on my blog. So in order to keep my subscription, I have to provide a link to my published review. So, for you, (my few & far between, readers) I will be publishing many more posts... I hope this pleases you ;-) I found this site through a favorite blog of mine, this blog is constantly filled with reviews of unpublished books that make me want to read the book... I've found dozens of new books by reading this blog, and if you enjoy books as much as I do, (doubtful....) you'll love this blog! Go visit & improve your collection of "want-to-read" books. =)

Sincerely, (& with great hope for the improvement of future posts),

1 comment:

  1. Yay! (Not that I really have that much room to talk...)
